ROOT enables statistically sound scientific analyses and visualization of large amounts of data: today, more than 1 exabyte (1,000,000,000 gigabyte) are stored in ROOT files. The Higgs was found with ROOT!
As high-performance software, ROOT is written mainly in C++. You can use it on Linux, macOS, or Windows; it works out of the box. ROOT is open source: use it freely, modify it, contribute to it!
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ROOT comes with an incredible C++ interpreter, ideal for fast prototyping. Don’t like C++? ROOT integrates super-smoothly with Python thanks to its unique dynamic and powerful Python ⇄ C++ binding. Or what about using ROOT in a Jupyter notebook?
Interactive, web-based canvas is now the default in ROOT (05 Jun 2023)
After a long period of development and testing we decided to switch to the web-based ![]() If you’ve ever rubbed your eyes trying to decrypt C++ compilation errors from a terminal, or even have faced with your bare eye the intimidating logs of valgrind output for memory leak detection, or manually deployed gdb, you should definitely keep reading. With this post, I believe you’ll improve your productivity and experience with ROOT by using QtCreator as a development and troubleshooting environment. Debugging CERN ROOT scripts and ROOT-based programs in Eclipse IDE (30 Oct 2021)![]() ROOT has now a brand new Manual, bringing “how do you read data with ROOT” and similar core aspects into contemporary ROOT. Much of the manual has been rethought and simplified, we hope and expect that concepts and interfaces are now easier to understand! More ... |
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